Football Academy
Our Football Academy is the foundation of who we are! We Are a sport specific instructional facility, and we specialize in the development of Offensive and Defensive Linemen, Linebackers, Tight End/H-Backs, WR/DBs, RBs, and others looking to learn the game and dominate their competition. There are many duplicators but we are the originators in the north east and our Pro EDGE Family has proven that! We have created a 4 Phase System for developing our athletes and We guarantee that when they leave us they will have the tools to compete and dominate on their respective playing level.
We offer football academy memberships or Seasonal Training in the form of blocks of sessions. Football Memberships offer you the luxury of long term development, sustained growth, and lower cost of investment.
A membership that permits 1 training class per week would cost you:
12 Month Membership- $180/mo.
9 Month Membership- $210/mo.
6 Month Membership- $255/mo.
3 Month Membership- $285/mo.
Prices vary if you chose to come more often, one of the trainers will review the best plan of action in person after understanding each athletes goals and expectations.
Try a class below as a “1 day drop-in member” for $45.00: CLICK HERE
Offensive Line Academy
- Run Blocking Fundamentals
- Understanding Angles and Leverage
- Pass Protection and Hand Strikes
- Importance of Core Stability and Hips
Defensive Line Academy
- The Five S of DL Play
- Elite Pass Rush Skills
- Hand Combat and Angle Disruption
- Disrupting the Run Game
Tight End/ H-Back Academy
- Run Blocking fundamentals
- Route Running and Ball Skills
- Tools to become an Impact Player
Linebacker Academy
- Understanding Offensive Formations
- Multi-angle Tackling Skills
- Skills to play Man and Zone Coverage
Running Back Skills and Drills
Wide Receiver and Defensive Backs
Quarterback Academy brought to you by MAD-QB Athletics
Membership Policy
Each position is taught by a different coach and trainer. When enrolling into a membership, you must decide which position you will focus on. If training more than 1 position we require an equal amount of focus so that the athlete is retaining and building upon the skills. We don’t have general enrollment which allows you to do every class offered. You must enroll for a specific position. We don’t recommend doing more than 2 positions per month. All of our training is year-round and the skills build and transition constantly throughout the off-season.
Offensive Line
College/Pro 5pm
HS 6pm
College/Pro 5pm
HS 6pm
College/Pro 5pm
HS 6pm
Youth 9am
College/Pro 10am
HS 11am
Defensive Line
HS 630pm
HS 630pm
Youth 730pm
College/Pro 530pm
HS 630pm
Youth 9am
College/Pro 10am
HS 11am
Tuesday 630pm
Thursday 630pm
Saturday 9am
Tight Ends
Middle School 9am
Grades 5 and Under 10am
HS 12pm
Wide Receiver
Developmental 7pm
Advanced 8pm
Developmental 1230pm
Advanced 230pm
Defensive Back
Developmental 7pm
Advanced 8pm
Developmental 12pm
Advanced 1pm
Ball Carriers
Monday 530pm Saturday 1pm
All Levels